Condo Committees
Fairway View Condominiums has many ways you can help us maintain our community and homes. You are welcome to attend committee meetings to learn what the committee is working on and ask questions. More importantly, we are always looking for volunteers to help us with the research and planning necessary to keep our properties looking and operating well.

Projects & Maintenance
Chair- Tony Mirarchi. Members: Rudy Lozano, Dave Sasaki, Peter Eckstrom, Michael Gowan, Patti Audet, Sharon Heydet. Board Liaison: Dave Rotzien.
Committee meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Mt. Hood Room at 2:30 pm. Only on Zoom when requested by a committee member.

The Finance committee provides guidance and oversight of the Associations operational and reserve fund accounts, expenditures and budgets. Chair/Board Liaison- Patti Audet. Members: Maureen Kirkpatrick, Linda Black, Maria Tsu.
Meetings are held quarterly on the 4th Tuesday in Jan, April, July, Oct. at 1:30 p.m. Additional special meetings will be scheduled to prepare for the 2024 budget recommendations. All meetings are held on Zoom.
Owners may attend remotely on or by telephone: (1-253-215-8782): Meeting ID: 826 1470 1206
Passcode: 088992. Or, click on the button below.
Landscape Committee

This group observes the Condo common areas to identify landscaping needs for maintenance issues including health of grass, plants, bushes, trees and ground covering and irrigation. They also make recommendations to the BODs concerning current major remediation and capital improvements to the common landscaping areas, identify and prioritize future project needs and assist in identifying costs estimates preparation for future budget planning. The committee chair is Kirki Colman; Members include: Suzanne Elward, Diane Nolan, Marlene Holliday, Lori Benton and Sharon Heydet. Board
The meetings are held on the 1st Monday of each month, from 3:30-4:30 pm in the Mt. Hood Room.
Owners may also attend remotely on or by calling: Or dial: +1 253 215 8782; Meeting ID: 815 2303 5785: Passcode: 519012. Or, click on the link button below.
Communication Committee
This group meets to discuss Condo news and provide owner feedback on recent communications identified in Blasts, Foyer Flyers, Bulletin Board, and The Villager Condo Column with goal of quality control, making improvements in clearly communicating Condo news in a timely fashion and providing ideas of important news to include in future communications. Duties include:
Write articles and proofread materials before publication.
Post Foyer Flyers and remove old information if still affixed to the door.
Act as an Ambassador within the condo community to share information and report questions & concerns from other condo owners.
Assist with document preparation for mailings such as ballots and in counting and certifying election results.
Assist owners who request help in getting on Zoom or finding information on the Condo website.
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, as needed at 1:00 pm in the Mount Hood room. This meeting is not on Zoom.
Members: Leslie McDonald, Chair; Linda Washington; Marlene Holiday; Elsie Neal; Cate Dunlap, Jill Dempsey, Board Liasion